Hello. My name is Takashi Iwai. I'm president of Showa Giken Industrial Co., or "SGK". As you may know, we are a leading manufacturing company in Japan, specializing in rotary joints and swivel joints. Let me tell you about our past, our strengths, and our future.
Firstly, I'd like to explain my company's history. We started in Japan just over 70 years ago. In 1948, my late grandfather, Masamitsu Iwai, founded "Pearl Precision Industries", or "Pearl" for short, as a subcontract factory of the automotive industry. To develop our own products, my father, Masami Iwai, established a new company, "Showa Giken Industrial Co." in 1966. Our nickname, SGK, derived from the abbreviation of our formal company name in Japan, which reads "Showa Giken Kogyo". Pearl was assigned to making, and SGK to designing and selling. After expanding our sales offices to Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, our proceeds increased steadily until 1990. Our current factory was built in 1993.
As with many industries, we were also affected by the bubble collapse in the 90's. After great difficulties, our annual revenue rose to 2 billion yen in 2006. 2 years later, the 2 companies, Pearl and SGK, were brought together into the new Showa Giken Industrial Co., and I became president of the company at the same time. We've continued to grow since. After the recent worldwide financial crisis, we took charge of customer's services of "Takeda Works", a pioneer joint maker in Asia before they went bankrupt in 2009. As a result of our hard work and dedication during the Covid-19 crisis, our sales marked a record high at 2.3 billion yen, or about 16.5 million US dollars in 2023. Today, our financial situation is in a comfortable place, with the current total manpower just over 100.
Next, I'm going to tell you about our strengths in Japan's joint trade market. Our 2 biggest strengths are customizing our products to meet the customer's needs, and prompt delivery of a variety of high-quality products based on statistical analysis. We watch our inventory numbers and money flow by not mass-producing, even if they're a well-selling line. Incidentally, about 70% of our sales consist of "made to order products" and "small-lot production ". This has allowed us to focus on providing top quality products for our customers.
Finally, I'm interested in training our employees up to be full-fledged technical experts who can prosper our company in the future. We provide continual on-the-job training, and offer support for external training and seminars, which include language study, manufacturing knowledge, and product development. We are always thinking about developing our workforce to continue to be a leader in the joint market. We hope to expand our network all over the world. In the next five years, we would like to focus on three pillars: sustainable development goals, secured supplies, and employee welfare. We are set to invest more time and money in product development for CO2 saving. With the support of other institutions, we are now working on achievable objectives for the global sustainability as well. In order to ensure the best service, we implemented our new production management system. In the same way as we maintain good relationship with our material suppliers, pertner factories and other stakeholders, we value our employees' welfare. Thus, our eyes are on better worklife balance, improved motivation, and opportunity to provide independent solutions, too.
Thank you for your time and consideration. All of us here at SGK, welcome the opportunity to be of service to you.

July 14th, 2023
President of Showa Giken Industrial Co., Takashi Iwai